New Editorial about leveraging genomic data to improve anthrax surveillance
Published: 2024-04-05

We have published a new editorial in our Editorials section. Our editorials are short, opinion-style pieces reflecting the ‘current thinking’ on a topic related to infectious disease and pandemic preparedness.
This latest editorial, entitled “Micro(bioterrorism) leveraging genomic data to improve anthrax surveillance” discusses Bacillus anthracis; a pathogen known as the cause of the life-threatening disease anthrax, and a known biological threat. Bacillus anthracis does, however, also naturally occur in soil and can infect lifestock such as cattle, goat, and sheep. The focus of this Editorial is a discussion on how researchers are using surveillance and whole-genome sequencing (WGS) data to proactively study such pathogens.
The editorial was written by Laura Carroll, a DDLS fellow at Umeå University, who is part of the Swedish Pathogens Portal’s editorial committee.
If you are interested in writing an editorial for the portal, please contact the portal team. We will contact you as soon as possible to discuss your suggestion.