The visualisations on this page evaluate the development of COVID-19 and SARS-CoV-2 research across Sweden by assessing publication output. Specifically, we consider multiple aspects of journal publications and preprints where at least one author has an affiliation with a Swedish research institute. The database containing the publications themselves can be found on this page, and is available for download, please see DOI: 10.17044/scilifelab.14124014 for details. The database is manually curated, so may not be exhaustive. From May 2023, we began to use the Europe PMC REST API to idenfy publications. The scripts that we use to do this are openly available on GitHub and can be reused for work with other pathogens. The database is updated monthly at the start of the month.
The code used to produce the visulations on this page can be found on GitHub. Specifically, code related to the number of publications can be found in the ‘Count_publications’ folder of the repository, and code used to generated the wordclouds can be found in the ‘Wordcloud’ folder.
Number of new publications
This graph displays the number of publications (including both journal publications and preprints) published each month, as well as the cumulative daily total of publications contained in the database. The dates reflect either the dates that the articles were uploaded to preprint servers (in the case of preprints) or the official journal publication date, whichever is the most recent. Where a given day of publication is not specified, we assign the date as the first of the month. This causes the appearance of a relatively sharp increase at the start of each month.
Code used to produce plot: Script to produce plot.
Ten most recent publications
This table displays the ten most recent publications in our database (including both journal publications and preprints). The date reflects the preprint upload date or the official journal publication date, whichever is the most recent. Authors are summarised in the same format as expected in ‘in text’ citations. Clicking on the title for a given publication will take you directly to that publication. Note though, that it will only be possible to read the full text of publication if it is open access or if you are granted access via a subscription (e.g. an institutional subscription, or private journal subscripton). Any additions to the manually curated publications database will become visible on this table within a day.
Published | Authors | Title |
Most frequent words or two word phrases in the titles
These wordclouds display the words and two word phrases that appear most frequently in the titles of preprints or journal publications within the database. Note that we have filtered out commonly used words that are uninformative (e.g. ’the’, ‘a’, ’this’) as well as the words ‘COVID-19’ and ‘SARS-CoV-2’, since these appeared in almost all titles. The wordclouds are updated weekly.
Code used to produce plot: Script to produce wordclouds. Note that the script relies on multiple external files that can be found in the same folder in the GitHub repository.
All publications

Publications attributed to particular research funders
Wordclouds are displayed for each funder that we identified as having been associated with at least 20 publications in the database.
Swedish Research Council:


Horizon 2020:

Most frequent words or two word phrases in the abstracts
These wordclouds display the words and two word phrases that appear most frequently in the abstracts of preprints or journal publications within the database. Note that we have filtered out commonly used words that are uninformative (e.g. ’the’, ‘a’, ’this’) as well as the words ‘COVID-19’ and ‘SARS-CoV-2’, since these appeared in almost all abstracts. The wordclouds are updated weekly.
Code used to produce plot: Script to produce wordclouds. Note that the script relies on multiple external files that can be found in the same folder in the GitHub repository.
All publications

Publications attributed to particular research funders
Wordclouds are displayed for each funder that we identified as having been associated with at least 20 publications in the database.
Swedish Research Council:


Horizon 2020: