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Editorial committee

Current Editorial Committee

Below are the current editorial committee members, alongside their affiliation and area of expertise. The editorial committee enable a more direct link between the Portal and the wider research community. They collaborate with the Portal team to create content and advise on resources that would be beneficial to researchers in their area of expertise.

Picture of Ben Murrell, PhD
Ben Murrell, PhD
Karolinska Institutet

Computational biology,
Immunology and virology

Picture of Johan Ankarklev, PhD
Johan Ankarklev, PhD
Stockholm University

Parasitology, Genetics

Picture of Johan Bengtsson-Palme, PhD
Johan Bengtsson-Palme, PhD
Chalmers University

Antibiotic resistance,
Emergent pathogens

Picture of Laura Carroll, PhD
Laura Carroll, PhD
Umeå University

Computational biology

Picture of Mahmoud Naguib, PhD
Mahmoud Naguib, PhD
Uppsala University

Experimental virology

Picture of Andrea Fossati
Andrea Fossati
Karolinska Institutet

Systems biology, Virology,
Microbiology, Proteomics


The following individuals are former members of the editorial committee who have significantly contributed to the development and growth of our platform. During their tenure, they brought invaluable insights from their respective fields, helping to shape the direction of our content and resources. Their legacy continues to influence the work we do, as they laid a strong foundation for the ongoing collaboration between the research community and the Portal. We extend our deepest gratitude to these distinguished alumni for their dedication and impactful service.

Picture of Luisa W. Hugerth, PhD
Luisa W. Hugerth, PhD
Uppsala University

Human microbiome

Images courtesy of: Uppsala University (LH, MN), SciLifeLab (LC), Karolinska Instititet (AF, BM), Stockholm University (JA) and Chalmers (JB-P).