Statistics, information, and research related to COVID-19 Vaccination in Sweden now available on the Portal
Published: 2021-12-15

The Swedish COVID-19 Data Portal is now launching a page (including graphs, geographic maps, and age-heatmaps) depicting statistics related to COVID-19 vaccination in Sweden. The Visualizations are based on data freely available from the Swedish Health Agency (Folkhälsomyndigheten). The page is available here.
Vaccines have been rapidly developed in response to the current COVID-19 pandemic. To date, the European Medicines Agency (EMA) has approved four vaccines against COVID-19: Comirnaty (Pfizer/BioNTech), approved on Dec 21st 2020; Spikevax (Moderna), approved on Jan 6th 2021; Vaxzevria (AstraZeneca), approved on Jan 29th 2021; and Covid-19 Vaccine (Janssen), approved on March 11th 2021. Currently, Comirnaty and Spikevax are in use in Sweden.
In summary, the page is visualizing information about the number of people across different counties (län) and in Sweden generally that have received one, two, or three doses of COVID-19 vaccines. The page also shows a short background, and an overview of current research projects focused on COVID-19 vaccination research that have been funded by major Swedish funding agencies. A subset of recent peer-reviewed publications, and preprints related to the topic are also shown (at least one co-author is affiliated with a Swedish university or research institute).
Visualisations related to vaccination coverage available on the COVID-19 Data Portal
- General summary statistics
- Administration of vaccinations over time
- Administration of vaccinations in each county (län)
- Administration of vaccinations according to age-group
Contributions from research groups
The Swedish COVID-19 Portal also invites researchers affiliated to a Swedish university or research institute to get in touch with us about adding information about their vaccine research data or visualizations on this page; send us an email to