Recent updates and upcoming improvements
Published: 2023-06-22

We have had a busy few months making updates and improvements to the site, and have many exciting things in the pipeline. We wanted to provide a quick round up of our most recent updates, and things that you should look out for. Watch this space to make sure that you don’t miss a thing!
Wastewater dashboard
Some new areas have now been added to SLU’s page. More cities will be added soon to this page, including other areas in Stockholm.
Updates from KTH will no longer occur, but we look forward to future updates looking at other viruses.
In the near future, we hope to add data on enteric viruses (coming from GU, who recently began sharing data on the relative levels of SARS-CoV-2 in wastewater).
RECOVAC dashboard
- There have been recent updates to the data in the RECOVAC dashboard. Take a look at that dashboard for all of the latest information about the efficiency and safety of vaccination against COVID-19.
New events
- We continue to add new events related to pandemic preparedness topics. See our events and training page to stay up to date with latest events.
Available data
As always, we update our available data monthly, at the beginning of the month. This page shows all of the data and code openly shared in publications involving authors affiliated with a Swedish institution.
We currently focus on COVID-19 data in this section, but later in the year we aim to show data from other topics (e.g. influenza) too, so watch this space!
Improvements for users
- We have now done major improvements to our topics sections. The topics enable you to filter the content of the site according to a given project. This means that you’re able to see just the parts that are important to you! This is an important step as we move increasingly into pandemic preparedness in general.
Anything else?
We have regular updates to data on many of our dashboards, including weekly updates to our wastewater dashboard and monthly updates to the postcovid condition dashboard.
We regularly update the list of publications on COVID-19 from researchers affiliated with a Swedish university (see the database and associated dashboard), as well as funding opportunities and ongoing projects.
If you have any suggestions for things that we could add or improve, we would like to hear from you! Please get in touch via our contact page!