Explore COVID-19 publications in the field of social sciences and humanities on the Portal
Published: 2022-12-01

It is now possible to easily identify social science and humanities studies that focus on COVID-19 and involve Swedish researchers.
In our COVID-19 publications section, we have collated COVID-19 articles involving Swedish researchers into a database. Now, we have added ‘Social science and humanities’ under ‘Field/Topic’. Clicking on this Field/Topic button will filter the database to show which of the publications are in the area of social sciences and humanities. This will make it easier to locate these publications, and thus raise their profile.
In our available data section, we show which COVID-19 articles involving Swedish researchers share data and/or code. As in our publications section, we have added a filter to facilitate the identification of social science and humanities research that share data and/or code. This page also contains links to external resources that include social science and humanities data. This includes links to CESSDA (Consortium of European Social Science Data Archives) ERIC (European Research Infrastructure Consortium) resources, and other tools designed to sort/filter them.
CESSDA ERIC brings together information from multiple European social sciences data archives in order to provide data resources for social sciences. They aim to promote social science research and encourage cooperation between researchers at both the national and international scales.
Please get in touch with us to tell us about any articles, projects, or resources related to social sciences and humanities (or, indeed, other fields/topics) that you feel we may have missed. We also always welcome any suggestions for other elements that we can add to the Portal.