New section for pandemic preparedness events
Published: 2023-02-17

We have now added a new section related to events and training. The aim of this section is to promote events (including workshops, conferences, and webinars, among others) related to pandemic preparedness. The events can be related to an pandemic preparedness topic, such as biobanks, antibiotic resistance, postcovid-19 condition, vaccination, and wastewater epidemiology, among others. We also welcome suggestions for events related to research data management. Events related to research data management for pandemic preparedness will be listed here on the Portal. Events related to research data management in general will instead be listed on SciLifeLab Data Platform. A direct link to such events is provided on the events and training page.
A form is provided on the page to enable you to suggest events. It is not necessary for you to be involved in the organisation of the event for you to submit it as a suggestion. The team behind the Portal will review all suggestions and post all appropriate events as soon as possible.
In future, we plan to expand this section by adding filters for different types of event, and perhaps even a section on resources from past events. If you have any feedback on the current page, including suggestions for future developments, please contact us.